Jumat, 23 September 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed By Absari Nur Khasanah
Yogyakarta State University on the move toward Word Class University  have the meaning in two thinking ways. That are formal closing and substantive closing. In formal closing, it means that Yogyakarta State University on the society life between many campus in Indonesia. The main goal of Yogyakarta State University is form the education personal and develop the educational and form the non-educational professional academic. Yogyakarta State University has obligation to support the government rule develop the International School.
The main goal of a university follow the international interaction is to prepare the their alumnus in order to be ready in the next era. For university student, clear a way toward Word Class University will help them to understand and implement global perspective that it will give contribution for their capability in international society. For the lecturer, clear a way toward Word Class University will give a large probability to do international research, publish the result of the research in international newspaper, and form the international community of their basic knowledge.  
Yogyakarta State University toward World Class University is an effort that be done by all of the personal of Yogyakarta State University to reach their main goal. The main goal is to have the professional alumnus and have high capability in this global era. Toward WCU, the university must do the benchmarking, it can be defined as learning about improvement. There are five stages how the university do revision : Review the factual condition, agreement reached in developing strategy, commitment to do the strategy, monitoring the increasing strategy and the continued revision. One of the benchmarking activity that have done by UNY toward World Class University is done the comparing study by the ember of TASK Force in the university in outside of our country. The result of the comparing study is  there are may kinds of quality the university, every university has the different stressing in their program, and so on.
Programs of World Class University is developing of International Study Program, International Basic Curriculum, International Teaching Learning Process, International Assessment, ad the International Source and references, developing International Quality of the lecturer, developing education personal, developing facilities that support WCU, and so on.
            Yogyakarta State University have done the WCU Programs in two years. They have done some activities like International Seminar about WCU, National Workshop about International School, training of English language for student and comparing study. Capability in English language must be developed to support the main goal of Yogyakarta State University toward Word Class University.

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