Jumat, 23 September 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
Developing of education in global era is marked by movement of the education central from the teacher to the students. The result of the research show that put the students as a central of teaching learning process will give the large and different implication compare with teacher as a central. Transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the students has thought as a paradigm that is not according to the truth of teach. As an alternative, it is began to develop the new paradigm, that is developing in as a effort to increase the student’s capability. That is not easy for the teacher to leave the old paradigm to the new paradigm. Teaching in International school is not easy because we know that the students also not easy on learning. And the other hand, we know the fact if it is not easy for the teacher change their style in teaching (Dean, 1982: 32).
Revitalization of education in International School should be began from the reflection of the teacher individually and reflect the factual condition in teaching practice. The reflection benefits to know the positive aspect or the weakness to use as a suggestion to determine the ways for the new paradigm and then effort to implement in the reality.
Katagiri (2004) said that study creatively consist of three aspect. There are first is attitude, second is a thinking method and the last is contents. In their effort to get creativity, the students must learn the objective knowledge, developing the procedure like follow the way that be done by the other, make an informal way, then determine the first step, using the sep that have developed, compare some ways and then adapt the way. Through the steps, the students will get their creativity.
Social interaction between the students and teacher will give the criticism activity creatively to revision the concepts, so that the students will get the true concepts. In order to develop the teaching learning process  that motivate the critical thinking and creatively, there are some basic assumption that must be understood. Individual opinion must be stressed. Every students have rightful authority to protect and develop themselves and their experiences according to their capability.
Developing of study creatively and critical thinking in International School has implication that the teacher as a well facilitator in order to the students can learn optimally.
In International School, teacher has three main function, that are as facilitator, source of the knowledge and monitoring the student’s activity. So that the teacher can develop the variation of the teaching learning process. The source of the knowledge or references is a central in teaching learning process. The variation of the references very needed, like the text books and internet access. Learning creatively to get the superior nation can be got through the innovation of teaching learning process in school.

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