Kamis, 29 September 2011

Developing ICT for Primary and Secondary Mathematics Teacher Professional Development: The Use of Video in Lesson Study

By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed By Absari Nur Khasanah
            VTR (Video Tape Recorder) untuk guru pendidikan dan membentuk kembali pergerakan pendidikan matematika khususnya untuk mengembangkan lesson study mempunyai beberapa keuntungan antara lain : ringkasan pendek dari pembelajaran dengan tekanan di masalah utama dalam pembelajaran, komponen dari pembelajaran dan kejadian utama di kelas, kemungkinan diskusi kasus dan refleksi dengan observasi guru.
Ketika kita menggunakan VTR, kita juga memulai dari observasi pelajaran tetapi, VTR telah siap kehilangan berbagai dimensi, parameter, dan konteks sebab program-programnya telah disiapkan dari persfektif dari recorder dan editor VTR. Melalui observasi VTR, kita mempelajari sesuatu dan mengaplikasikannya dalam aktivitas selanjutnya.
Dengan video, kita mempunyai kesempatan untuk mengobservasi apa yang telah dipelajari di kelas dai membaca buku dan kemudian melihat bagaimana bisa mengaplikasikannya untuk proses pembelajaran di ruang kelas. Ketika kita melihat seorang guru yang mengimplementasikan sebuah teori atau konssep di setiap pembelajaran.
Kontek Jepang tentang VTR
Di awal dari setiap aktivitas, seorang penulis memainkan Japanese VTR tentang Lesson study yang diproduksi oleh “CREAR” of DIRECT NETWORK NICHIBUN, untuk merefleksikan persepsi guru dan untuk memahami secara luas pengaruh aktivitas guru yang mengikutinya.
Example :
Lesson             : Choosing Tasks according to Pupil's Interests (4th grade)
Teacher            : SAITO, Kazuya
School              : Ookayama Elementary School, Yokohama city
Unit                  : The area of plane figures
Method            : Tasks based on pupils' interests.
Objek-objeknya antara lain :
1.      Siswa mengapresiasikan rumus untuk luas gambar dan akan menggunakan rumus tersebut untuk mencari luas
2.      Siswa mampu untuk mencari luas dengan baik menggunakan pengetahuan sebelumnya dan pengalamannya
3.      Siswa mampu untuk merumuskan suatu metode untuk mencari luas jajar genjang, dll.


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed By Absari Nur Khasanah
Becher and Maclure (1978), said that there are two kinds of teacher’s position in teaching learning innovation that related by developing curriculum. First, curriculum that have characteristic instrumental, teacher is the role that do curriculum, by developing their capability in teaching learning mathematics to make the student reach their dreams. Second, in the curriculum that have characteristic interactive, the role of the teacher as a developing curriculum by developing teacher’s function as a facilitator and help the student’s need with assumption the student is given probability to say their opinion and construct their own concept according to their speed and their apperception. In teaching learning mathematics, we know so clearly the differences between traditional method and progressive method.
There are some approaches to understand what’s mathematics. First is ontology approach, in this case we find the definition of mathematics according to he root and the dept basic from the reality of mathematics. The reality of mathematics implicitly together with the subject of mathematics. Second is epistemology approach, then axiology approach.
Whatever about the quality of the teaching learning of mathematics, we can think about the reach of the result compare with the other result that same. Or in another side is a process where the beginning value is the fundament and a strength to get the high quality of teaching learning of mathematics.
According to the result of the comparing study in Australia about International Mathematics Class, the main references is about international standard of the teacher in Australia ad the result of the discussion with the expert. The researcher can conclude that international mathematics teacher must full all of the criteria like professional in their knowledge about mathematics and science, professional in teaching learning of mathematics, then professional to improve the profession of mathematics educational.
Developing of mathematics education can be done by two levels, there are macro and micro. In macro, developing of mathematics education must refresh vision and developing educational paradigm and reduce the problem. The teacher must be continued to evaluate their weakness or their capability of teaching mathematics.

PHILOSOPHYCAL EXPLANATION OF MATHEMATICAL EXPERIENCE: In Response to the Research on The Effect Of Epistemic Fidelity On Teaching Decimal Numeration With Physical Materials

By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed By Absari Nur Khasanah
Penggunaan “Linear Arithmetic Blocks (LAB)” telah disosialiasaikan dengan lebih aktif oleh para siswa dan mendalami diskusi tentang “Multi-base Arithmetic Blocks (MAB)”.
Tingkat filosofi diskusi mempunyai karakteristik seperti membutuhkan cross-check dengan baik untuk membandingkan dengan beberapa pandangan dengan bebas, untuk membentuk teori umum dari subjek yang berhubungan. Mackenzie, J.S (1917), menyatakan bahwa filosofi harus dihitung dari hasil umum investigasi ilmu pengetahuan untuk membentuk teori umum.
Analisis struktur Greima’s hermeneutics menyatakan bahwa siswa terletak sebagai pusat dari aktivitas pembelajaran, guru berperan sebagai pengirim seakan-akan supporter di jalan dimana murid-muridnya mempelajari materi sebagai objek pembelajaran, transaksi antara guru dan murid-muridnya terjadi jika ada sebuah dorongan terhadap muridnya untuk mempelajari objek tersebut.
Kita menghormati status siswa dari hasil pengetahuan matematika dengan memanipulasi dengan materi fisik, dalam diagram analisis struktur Greima’s hermeneutics. Jika perbedaan antara dua macam persepsi masih cerita belaka kemudian kita hanya bisa berargumen dalam status pengetahuan matematika.


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed By Absari Nur Khasanah
            Teaching mathematics is not easy because we often meet that every student is not easy in learning mathematics. Jaworski (1994: 83) said that there is no best way to teach mathematics. There are some methods to teach mathematics : exposition method, discussion method, problem solving method, investigation method, basic training method and application method.
We have some problems when teaching mathematics, they are understanding the meaning of the theory, how to apply it, condition of the environment, facilities of the teaching learning process. The teacher has some problems how to solve the different about mathematics capability between one student to each other, how to make student be active and how to develop the technology of teaching learning of mathematics.
The characteristics of mathematics are :
1.   search for patterns and relationship,
2.   mathematics is a creative activity,
3.   involving imagination,
4.   intuition and discovery,
5.    mathematics is a way of solving problems,
6.   mathematics is a means of communicating information or ideas.
The truth of the students study mathematics are :
1.   The students will study hard if they get motivation
2.   The students study by using the own ways
3.   The students study individually or cooperative with the other friends
4.   The students needs a context and different condition when they study
One of the teacher’s task is to evaluate their students like meaning, process, capability, fact and result. To make student like to mathematics we must change the method of teaching learning process like from the teacher’s center become student center, teacher’s opinion become student’s opinion, passive student become active student, etc.  

Jumat, 23 September 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed By Absari Nur Khasanah
Yogyakarta State University on the move toward Word Class University  have the meaning in two thinking ways. That are formal closing and substantive closing. In formal closing, it means that Yogyakarta State University on the society life between many campus in Indonesia. The main goal of Yogyakarta State University is form the education personal and develop the educational and form the non-educational professional academic. Yogyakarta State University has obligation to support the government rule develop the International School.
The main goal of a university follow the international interaction is to prepare the their alumnus in order to be ready in the next era. For university student, clear a way toward Word Class University will help them to understand and implement global perspective that it will give contribution for their capability in international society. For the lecturer, clear a way toward Word Class University will give a large probability to do international research, publish the result of the research in international newspaper, and form the international community of their basic knowledge.  
Yogyakarta State University toward World Class University is an effort that be done by all of the personal of Yogyakarta State University to reach their main goal. The main goal is to have the professional alumnus and have high capability in this global era. Toward WCU, the university must do the benchmarking, it can be defined as learning about improvement. There are five stages how the university do revision : Review the factual condition, agreement reached in developing strategy, commitment to do the strategy, monitoring the increasing strategy and the continued revision. One of the benchmarking activity that have done by UNY toward World Class University is done the comparing study by the ember of TASK Force in the university in outside of our country. The result of the comparing study is  there are may kinds of quality the university, every university has the different stressing in their program, and so on.
Programs of World Class University is developing of International Study Program, International Basic Curriculum, International Teaching Learning Process, International Assessment, ad the International Source and references, developing International Quality of the lecturer, developing education personal, developing facilities that support WCU, and so on.
            Yogyakarta State University have done the WCU Programs in two years. They have done some activities like International Seminar about WCU, National Workshop about International School, training of English language for student and comparing study. Capability in English language must be developed to support the main goal of Yogyakarta State University toward Word Class University.


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
Developing of education in global era is marked by movement of the education central from the teacher to the students. The result of the research show that put the students as a central of teaching learning process will give the large and different implication compare with teacher as a central. Transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the students has thought as a paradigm that is not according to the truth of teach. As an alternative, it is began to develop the new paradigm, that is developing in as a effort to increase the student’s capability. That is not easy for the teacher to leave the old paradigm to the new paradigm. Teaching in International school is not easy because we know that the students also not easy on learning. And the other hand, we know the fact if it is not easy for the teacher change their style in teaching (Dean, 1982: 32).
Revitalization of education in International School should be began from the reflection of the teacher individually and reflect the factual condition in teaching practice. The reflection benefits to know the positive aspect or the weakness to use as a suggestion to determine the ways for the new paradigm and then effort to implement in the reality.
Katagiri (2004) said that study creatively consist of three aspect. There are first is attitude, second is a thinking method and the last is contents. In their effort to get creativity, the students must learn the objective knowledge, developing the procedure like follow the way that be done by the other, make an informal way, then determine the first step, using the sep that have developed, compare some ways and then adapt the way. Through the steps, the students will get their creativity.
Social interaction between the students and teacher will give the criticism activity creatively to revision the concepts, so that the students will get the true concepts. In order to develop the teaching learning process  that motivate the critical thinking and creatively, there are some basic assumption that must be understood. Individual opinion must be stressed. Every students have rightful authority to protect and develop themselves and their experiences according to their capability.
Developing of study creatively and critical thinking in International School has implication that the teacher as a well facilitator in order to the students can learn optimally.
In International School, teacher has three main function, that are as facilitator, source of the knowledge and monitoring the student’s activity. So that the teacher can develop the variation of the teaching learning process. The source of the knowledge or references is a central in teaching learning process. The variation of the references very needed, like the text books and internet access. Learning creatively to get the superior nation can be got through the innovation of teaching learning process in school.


By ; Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed By Absari Nur Khasanah
Menjadi seorang yang dewasa pertama-tama harus mengerti mengapa mereka harus mengetahui segala sesuatu sebelum mereka benar-benar  mempelajarinya. Kebanyakan orang dewasa mempunyai bentuk utuh dirinya sendiri dan cenderung marah ketika dirinya tidak dinilai dalam situasi belajar. Orang dewasa membutuhkan perasaan seakan-akan pengalaman hidup mereka penting untuk membantu mereka menghubungkan pengetahuan lama dan pengetahuan baru yang mereka peroleh. Mereka akan lebih mempersiapkan situasi belajar secara umum.
“Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS, 1995)”
Mengolaborasikan perbandingan matematika dan ilmu kependidikan, membandingkan pertunjukkan siswa, persiapan guru, buku, dan gaya mengajar. Kesimpulan dari TIMSS tentang Kemampuan siswa antara lain : Kemampuan relative turun secara drastis dalam tingkat selanjutnya, siswa relative melakukan dengan baik satu langkah tetapi tidak baik ketika ada banyak langkah dalam menyelesaikan masalah, siswa mengerjakan dengan baik tentang masalah analisis data, siswa mengerjakan dengan buruk dalam berpikir konsep. Selanjutnya implikasi dari metode dan model pembelajarannya adalah Pembelajaran transformative bukan pengajaran transformative : beberapa kejadian akan bersatu untuk memulai suatu proses, pembelajar kemudian akan memulai menginvestigasi alternative untuk menunjukkan pokok-pokok materi, kemudian bersama dengan yang lain berdiskusi tentang asumsi yang telah ada sebelumnya dan informasi yang diperoleh selama mereka mencari fakta dan ide, mereka kemudian akan meletakkan asumsi baru sesuai prakteknya
“PSMI (Park City Mathematics Institute) Model of Professional Development”
Melanjutkan untuk belajar dan mengerjakan matematika, menganalisis dan menyaring praktek di dalam kelas menjadi sumber untuk teman yang lain. Mengembangkan professional PCMI berdasarkan isi matematika, tujuan dari belajar matematika, dipusatkan pada praktek guru, dan kolaborasi antar guru.
“National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)”
            Merupakan organisasi dari guru matematika professional. Beberapa guru dibutukan menjadi anggota dan memperoleh hak, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir kebanyakan dari pemimpin organisasi initelah menjadi “mathematics educator” bukan guru.
Unsur-unsur pendidikan matematika yang baik antara lain : adanya pelatihan guru baik keseimbangan antara praktek secara computer, pemecahan masalah, dan pemahaman konsep, buku-buku yang baik, dan sebagainya.
Peran guru menurut “TERC” : Mengobservasi dan mendengarkan siswa dengan hati-hati, mencoba memahami bagaimana cara siswa berpikir, membantu siswa mengembangkan pikirannya baik dalam percakapan maupun secara tertulis, memfasilitasi diskusi tentang ide-ide matematika, memberi pertanyaan untuk mendorong siswa berpikir matematika.
Rekomendasi untuk mengembangkan pengajaran matematika antara lain : menyelenggarakan tanggungjawab individu untuk kerja kelompok, membutukan partisipasi dalam membentuk periode beberapa kelas, mencari gabungan  pemimpin yang benar dan struktur untuk semua grup, memfasilitasi diskusi antar grup, mengatur penampilan terbaik secara individu, memberikan tugas individu sebagai tambahan untuk tugas kelompok.