Rabu, 16 November 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
Jaworski (1994) said that teach mathematics is not easy because we  find that students is not easy in learn mathematics. He also said that there are not best way to teach mathematics.
Cocroft Report recommend variation of teaching learning process : exposition method, discussion method, problem solving, investigation, and application method.
Obstacles of the teacher : Understanding  meaning of theory, how to applied, the system, social condition, facilities of teaching learning process. Based difficulty of the teacher is how to handle difference of students capability in mathematics. Except that, the teacher is difficult to develop technology of teaching learning mathematics. It make the students are not like mathematics. Essence of mathematics based on social absolute are abstract, universal, formal, rational, theoretical, neutral, independent value. Based on social constructivist : abstract >< concrete, formal >< informal, objective >< subjective, social justification ><  research, reasoning >< emotion, general thing >< especially thing, theory >< classic, and so on.
Essence of learn mathematics is confront subjective knowledge and mathematic objective through social interaction to get, examine, represent the new knowledge.
·         Mathematic is the activity that finding design and relation
·         Mathematic is the creativity that need an imagination, intuition, and research
·         Mathematic is the activity of problem solving
·         Mathematic is the communication tool : motivate student know the properties of mathematic, make example from properties of mathematic, read and write mathematic, and so on.
·         The matter of mathematic is fact, concepts, capability to understanding, capability to problem solving, and so on.
Essence of the students learn mathematics : Students learn in their own way, students learn stand alone and through cooperation, students need context and different situation in their study.
Teaching learning step-evaluation step (definition, process, skill, fact and result).
Developing of teaching learning design need a promotion of paradigm changing : teacher centered >< students centered, transfer of knowledge >< cognitive development, authority >< democratic. passive  students >< active students, and so on.

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