Sabtu, 12 November 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
Research is the activity to get knowledge that be called science. It must be done by the systematic procedure and supported by methodology. As a teacher or candidate of the innovative teacher, we are demanded always do the discussion about how we get the knowledge of mathematics according to the era. The knowledge of mathematic must be satisfied as a science knowledge, it means that understanding about how the way of the students thinking in learn mathematics, how to get the mathematics understanding, and how the teacher understand the analogy of the students knowledge. The effort can be reached if developed a natural method that satisfy collaboration and correspondent.
If the teacher need a changing in teaching learning of mathematics, so research is the need. Research activity give many functions. By the research, we can know if there is differences between individual and in group to learn mathematics, we can determine the position of the students in group, we can compare the result of the study in every group. If the teacher will hold the research, we hope that the teacher do research about the teaching  mathematics. In specially, before the teaching learning process is held, the teacher should do the step as a preparation : Planning of the study environment, develop the students social environment, and the last is planning the activity in study mathematics.

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