Rabu, 16 November 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
Jaworski (1994) said that teach mathematics is not easy because we  find that students is not easy in learn mathematics. He also said that there are not best way to teach mathematics.
Cocroft Report recommend variation of teaching learning process : exposition method, discussion method, problem solving, investigation, and application method.
Obstacles of the teacher : Understanding  meaning of theory, how to applied, the system, social condition, facilities of teaching learning process. Based difficulty of the teacher is how to handle difference of students capability in mathematics. Except that, the teacher is difficult to develop technology of teaching learning mathematics. It make the students are not like mathematics. Essence of mathematics based on social absolute are abstract, universal, formal, rational, theoretical, neutral, independent value. Based on social constructivist : abstract >< concrete, formal >< informal, objective >< subjective, social justification ><  research, reasoning >< emotion, general thing >< especially thing, theory >< classic, and so on.
Essence of learn mathematics is confront subjective knowledge and mathematic objective through social interaction to get, examine, represent the new knowledge.
·         Mathematic is the activity that finding design and relation
·         Mathematic is the creativity that need an imagination, intuition, and research
·         Mathematic is the activity of problem solving
·         Mathematic is the communication tool : motivate student know the properties of mathematic, make example from properties of mathematic, read and write mathematic, and so on.
·         The matter of mathematic is fact, concepts, capability to understanding, capability to problem solving, and so on.
Essence of the students learn mathematics : Students learn in their own way, students learn stand alone and through cooperation, students need context and different situation in their study.
Teaching learning step-evaluation step (definition, process, skill, fact and result).
Developing of teaching learning design need a promotion of paradigm changing : teacher centered >< students centered, transfer of knowledge >< cognitive development, authority >< democratic. passive  students >< active students, and so on.

Sabtu, 12 November 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
If we want to developing of mathematic education so developing model of mathematics education become a need. In legal aspect, developing of mathematics model is needed because paradigm changing. By developing model of mathematics education that based on students, we know that very individual have differences. We can compare the result of study between one group to another group. We can investigate the purpose of the study and the result in reality, is the standard competences or based competences id reached? The result of the developing mathematics model can be used to complete the programs, give information to community. We can compare the performance and criteria in every programs. Then we can study about the holding programs, influence of the environment, curriculum, syllabi that can be used to complete the programs.
Lesson study activity is the systematic research activity and the other research like PTK, and the holding can be supported by developing of MGMP. To develop the teaching learning of mathematics model we need to :
Planning the mathematics study environment : developing resources, plan the developing that flexible, consist of students to make the mathematics study environment, consist the students in apperception activity.
Developing the social community : plan the developing to work in group, motivate the students to respect to another students, know the students feeling, developing of mathematics model.
Plan the developing model of mathematics teaching learning process : developing mathematics that open ended, according to students capability, develop the topic.
Do and implement the result of reflection in developing model of teaching leaning process.

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator: Studi Kasus Penggunaan Kalkulator Texas Instrument TI 89 pada PBM Matematika di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH IV YOGYAKARTA

By : Dr. Marsigit, MA and Retno Siswanto
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
This research have purpose to identify and develop using calculator. It note some result : graphic of calculator can be used to match graphic, accord the answer of the set of the solution and give experiences about drawing graphic. Method to solve the equality and inequality can be shown as the order, manipulate symbol and graph in calculator.
1.      The step to use calculator as a help thing :
First step, it is about understanding of the meaningful of graphic calculator. Explain the graph of calculator in detail
Second step, understanding theory and using calculator to solve the problem of equality and inequality
Third step, input data to the calculator
Fourth step, Get conclusion from the graph
2.      Using graphic calculator
To determine and match the graphic
Solve the problem
Give the previous answer and make the solving faster
It make the teaching learning process become enjoy
Give the real experiences in using calculator
To solve the problem about equality and inequality can use order or manipulate symbol and graph

LESSON STUDY ON MATHEMATICAL THINKING Developing Mathematical Methods in Learning the Total Area of a Right Circular Cylinder and Sphere as well as the Volume of a Right Circular Cone of the Indonesian 8th Grade Students

By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia sebaiknya mengembangkan kecerdasan dan keterampilan individu, meningkatkan sikap yang baik, jiwa patriot dan respon sosial. Kurikulum Tingkat satuan pendidikan pada tingakt kedua Sekolah Menengah Pertama mempunyai tujuan dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika, yaitu : memahami konsep matematika, untuk menjelaskan hubungan diantaranya dan untuk menerapkannya dalam pemecahan masalah secara akurat dan efisien, untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir dalam pola pembelajaran dan karakteristik matematika, memanipulasinya untuk membuktikannya dan menjelaskan ide matematika, untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah, untuk mengkomunikasikan matematika menggunakan symbol, tabel, diagarams dan media yang lainnya.
Berpikir matematika mempunyai perbedaan dari pengetahuan yang sederhana atau kemampuan. Ini adalah fakta bahwa berpikir matematika menyediakan tujuan penting dalam membuktikan kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah.
Dalam rencana pembelajaran, peneliti telah menggunakan gambar yang mana guru berusaha untuk meningkatkan metode matematika dalam pembelajaran luas total dai tabung dan bola seperti volum kerucut. Hasil penemuan dari belajar dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa dapat ditirukan melalui skema dari kegiatan pembelajaran :
1.      Bentuk masalah dan komprehensif yang ditimbulkan ketika siswa mengobservasi model tabung, bola dan kerucut yang diberikan, mengidentifikasi komponen dari tabung, kerucut, dan kerucut, mendefinisikan konsep tabung, bola, dan kerucut, mendapat pertanyaan dan pembentukan dari guru to mencari konsep.
2.      Menetapkan perspektif yang ditimbulkan ketika siswa menggunakan model konkret untuk mencari luas area dari tabung, bola dan kerucut, mempelajari tinggi dari tabung yang sama dengan lebar dari persegipanjang, dan keliling lingkaran yang sama dengan panjang persegipanjang.
3.      Mendapatkan solusi 


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
Research is the activity to get knowledge that be called science. It must be done by the systematic procedure and supported by methodology. As a teacher or candidate of the innovative teacher, we are demanded always do the discussion about how we get the knowledge of mathematics according to the era. The knowledge of mathematic must be satisfied as a science knowledge, it means that understanding about how the way of the students thinking in learn mathematics, how to get the mathematics understanding, and how the teacher understand the analogy of the students knowledge. The effort can be reached if developed a natural method that satisfy collaboration and correspondent.
If the teacher need a changing in teaching learning of mathematics, so research is the need. Research activity give many functions. By the research, we can know if there is differences between individual and in group to learn mathematics, we can determine the position of the students in group, we can compare the result of the study in every group. If the teacher will hold the research, we hope that the teacher do research about the teaching  mathematics. In specially, before the teaching learning process is held, the teacher should do the step as a preparation : Planning of the study environment, develop the students social environment, and the last is planning the activity in study mathematics.


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Absari Nur Khasanah
Pertemuan APEC ketiga yang diadakan pada tanggal 29-30 April 2004 di Santiago, menyebutkan prioritas area untuk aktivitas kerjasama di masa depan untuk mendorong pembelajaran matematika dan ilmu alam. Berdasarkan prioritas tersebut, ada beberapa aktivitas proyek APEC untuk mendorong kolaborasi belajar dalam inovasi pembelajaran matematika dalam budaya yang berbeda. Lesson study yang menarik perhatian dari sekeliling dunia yang ternyata diperoleh dari pendidikan di Jepang.
Berpikir matematika adalah dasar dari tipe-tipe berpikir dan dengan pembelajaran matematika siswa dapat belajar logika dan berpikir rasional. Selain itu, matematika juga memiliki cakupan aplikasi yang luas yang mencakup fisik, statistik, dan ekonomi. Ada beberapa perbedaan dalam pendidikan matematika dari beberapa konteks budaya yang berhubungan dengan berpikir matematika.
  1. Konteks Australia : Stacey menemukan sesuatu yang dapat membantu guru memperhatikan pemecahan masalah dengan persyaratan matematika
  2. Konteks Inggris : David Tall
  3. Konteks Taiwan
  4. Konteks Jepang
  5. Konteks Singapura
  6. Konteks Malaysia
  7. Konteks Indonesia : Sistem pendidikan di Indonesia sebaiknya mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir dan keterampilan individu, meningkatkan tingkah laku yang baik, patriotism, dan respon sosial.
Metode diskusi banyak dilakukan di berbagai negara akan tetapi memiliki sedikit perbedaan yang mencerminkan budayanya sendiri.
Berpikir matematika memiliki makna sesuatu untuk beberapa pendidikan. Ada beberapa keistimewaan yang mana dapat meningkatkan berpikir matematika seperti : mengorganisasi kembali melalui berpikir refleksi, kemahiran dalam menggunakan konsep matematika, belajar bagaimana belajar, mengembangkan dan menggunakan matematika, dan sebagainya.