Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011


By : DR. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed By Absari Nur Khasanah
            Planning and developing curriculum is the task that needs a dept study and comprehensive to fulfill the suitable restriction. There are six principles that it must be considered when we want to develop the mathematics syllabi based on the competence : the probability of study for all of the student, curriculum is not the compilation of the subject, it is the reflection of the mathematics teaching learning process, the teaching learning process of mathematics need the understanding about student’s need, apperception of the student and serve the teaching learning facilitate, the opportunity for student to study mathematics actively to construct the concept through their knowledge and their experiences, need activity like assessment to develop the quality of the teaching learning  process, then using many kinds of strategy and teaching learning method dynamic and flexible according to the subject, student and context of the teaching learning process.
The characteristic of mathematic and student :
Characteristic of mathematics are mathematics is a search for patterns and relationship, mathematics is a creative activity, involving imagination, intuition and discovery, mathematics is a way of solving problems, mathematics is a means of communicating information or ideas.
Curriculum of Mathematics for Junior High School
Curriculum is designed in teaching learning of mathematics to make the student be able to do search for patterns and relationship activity, developing creativity using their imagination, problem solving and so on. To reach their capability, it must be developed the teaching learning process that it consider the context and the application in daily life.
Syllabi is the form to show the content of the syllabi that consist of competence standard, based capability, subject, and explanation of the matter, experiences of the student, time allocation, and the resources.
The step of the arranging the syllabi that is based on basic capability of mathematics subject is the connected activity that is began by philosophy of developing mathematics. It is consist o arranging science structure, and so on. In arranging the syllabi we must determine the matter of the subject and the explanation of the matter.  

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